What You Need On The Home Page Of Your Website

The homepage is the landing point, the first thing your visitors will see, this is where they will get their first impression of your business, so you want to make sure you optimize the homepage of your website to capture the attention of your visitors within the first few seconds they land on your site and keep them on your site longer.

How do you ask? Well, today I will break down for you what are those key components that you should include on your homepage so that you captivate the attention of your visitors.

01. Headline

The first thing you want to have is a headline, a statement to call attention and let your visitor know they are in the correct spot. This headline must be clear and straight to the point. Use the headline to tell your visitors how you are able to help them.

02. Call To Action (CTA) Button

Right below the headline, have a call to action button leading your visitor to the next page on your website. Depending on your website goal will depend on where you lead them to. The point of the call to action button is to compel your visitors to explore your website and take them down a journey around your website. If your goal is to get your visitors to explore your services, then a CTA button that says “Let’s Work Together” would work and lead them to your services page. If you are a product-based business and you want your visitors to purchase from your fall collection you’ll want a CTA button inviting them to check out your new fall collection. Depending on the goals of the website will depend on where you will lead your visitor to.

One important thing I forgot to mention is to make sure the headline and call to action button are located above the fold aka the visible part of the website you land on without scrolling. According to Statisticbrain.com, eight seconds is the average person's attention span and only 28 percent of words are read on average, this is why is it important for you to have a clear headline with a clear call to action!

03. Share who you are and why it matters

At this point your visitors are interested in what you have to say and offer, so share with them who you are and why it matters. Remember they want to know about you, but most importantly what is in it for them if they continue to scroll? Here you can share your products, offers, or process.

04. Testimonials

Testimonials will help to establish credibility and build trust. Your website visitors are going to want to see what others have to say about your product or service you offer. This is straightforward, share those client testimonials!

05. Blog or Resources

Most of the time someone who lands on your website won’t be ready to commit and buy immediately, so it is important to nurture your visitors. What this does is establishes trust and they begin to see you as a leader in your industry.

06. Inspire Action

Have secondary call-to-action buttons. It is important that you have multiple calls to action on your homepage, leading them to different pages on your site. Remember you are taking them on a journey around your website. What are your website goals, and lead with that and tell your visitor where you want them to go next or what you want them to do?

I hope these website tips where helpful! Remember your website homepage is the first touch point for you to leave a lasting impression, make sure you make it one they will remember.

Interested in learning how we can work together on your brand or website, schedule a call here.

Thanks for reading!


Ruby Valencia

I help wellness coaches & spiritual entrepreneurs be seen by their soulmate clients through brand and web design. 


Creating A Brand Experience


Elements Of A Strong Brand