Elements Of A Strong Brand

So you have heard over and over branding is essential and that you should have some branding in place. I see you, you are doing all the things experts are saying to create a brand, but you are still feeling lost and confused about how actually to implement branding let alone brand strategy into your business.

Well lucky for you I am here to break it down for you and help you understand what brand strategy is, what brand elements are the most important that you should begin with, and how to implement it today.

What is brand strategy?

The brand strategy brings together different elements of your business into an approach to how you will begin to show up in front of your clients. It is a foundational piece to maintain a connection point with your audience, have loyal clients that will inspire word-of-mouth referrals, drive brand awareness and have past clients keep coming back for more.

So what are those elements you ask?

The elements that make up a brand strategy include Brand Story, Brand Values, Brand Mission, Brand Voice, Brand Vibe, and Brand Identity. When you are in the beginning stages of your business the elements you can begin to focus on are your Brand Story, Brand Values, and Brand Voice. These elements come from the heart of your business; all you need is for yourself to tell the story, share your values, and share it in a way that is genuine to you and your business, also known as your brand voice.

Now let me break it down…

Brand Story

Your brand story is what will create the connection between you and your audience. To create a deeper connection, your audience wants to know more than what you offer and how much it costs. Most of the time our clients are where we once were, so by sharing with them who you are, what inspired you to start and continues to drive you, you are allowing them to come into your space creating a deeper connection with you and ultimately allowing you to stand out from someone else who offers the same service or product.

Brand Values

The last page I want to recommend for you to have is a portfolio page. Especially if you are a service provider, you want to use this page to showcase your work. Show off what you can do, this will help build even more trust. They not only will be able to see your work but will also trust that you can do the same for them. We want to attract them, keep them saying yes, and book or purchase from you.

Brand Voice

Brand voice is the way you communicate with your audience, and how you speak in a written or verbal form via the content you put out. I am talking about the words and phrases you use, are you fun, professional, calm, friendly, are there specific words you say you want your brand to be recognized for, etc? All of this forms your brand's voice, how do you want to communicate with your audience? Think of your brand voice as your brand personality, you are giving your brand the personality you want to be known for.

Now that you know what are the elements of a strong brand strategy, you can go and sit with the soul of your business. Think about what we discussed and begin to establish your brand story, values, and voice. A strong brand will build connection and community, inspiring loyal clients to keep coming back for more.

If you are ready to dive in deeper and need a little clarity, check out my Brand Clarity Workbook. This workbook provides you with questions to help you get clear on your brand’s direction, know who your soul clients are, and help you begin to brand your business.

If you are ready to ditch the DIY and get help from an expert, click here to book a call and let’s work together!

Thanks for reading!


Ruby Valencia

I help wellness coaches & spiritual entrepreneurs be seen by their soulmate clients through brand and web design. 


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