How To Know It’s Time For A Rebrand
As humans, we evolve, we outgrow things and we change, and just like us so do our businesses. This is normal, it’s part of our business’s evolution and time. When this happens, you begin to see that your brand is no longer in alignment with the direction your business is going. And at this point, you may begin to wonder if it is time for a rebrand.
In this blog, I will be sharing with you the top 4 common signs that your business is indeed in need of a rebrand.
What is a rebrand?
Let’s start off by getting familiar with what is a rebrand, and whether is it a complete over hall of your existing brand. There are a few ways you can approach a rebrand, it can be something as minor as updating certain aspects of your logo, or changing certain brand elements such as colors, and typography, and perhaps modernizing your logo. Or, you can do a full rebrand which is exactly that, a complete full over hall of your current brand, and change everything.
So the question is how to know it is time for a rebrand?
01. You DIY’d everything and have outgrown your current branding
So you are ready for a consistent cohesive brand throughout all your marketing platforms. This in my belief is the #1 reason why you would want to rebrand. You lack consistency and there really isn’t a cohesive brand to start with. When starting your business you began with a budget and decided to create a logo and select some colors, which is 100% valid! But now you find yourself not being consistent with the colors, typography, etc. and this brand you created is no longer aligned with the direction your business is going and you begin to feel a little embarrassed about the logo.
02. Your brand is not standing out among your competitors
This is another common reason, if you find yourself getting inspired by your competitors only to find you are doing the same things they are, then you are lacking uniqueness. When you rebrand, you are given the opportunity to discover just that, what makes you stand out from the rest, what makes you truly different. Once you’ve discovered this, you’ll be able to position yourself differently from your competitors and communicate it with your audience.
03. You want to attract new or different clients
If you have been aiming to attract different clients then who you are currently attracting, it is time to reconsider your branding. Maybe you are ready to position yourself as a more elevated brand and attract higher-paying clients, with bigger budgets, or want to reach a different demographic. Well when you rebrand, you can focus on getting really clear on who that ideal client is and optimizing your rebrand to attract those new clients. This also applies to a change in the offer or a pivot in your business, ultimately the clients you want to attract will be different.
04. You are changing your business name
If any of these reasons have resonated with you, then it is time to begin to consider a rebrand for your business. There is nothing wrong with the evolution of your business, if anything it shows commitment and growth. And when you do decide to undergo a rebrand, figure out what is and isn’t working, begin to discover who your ideal clients are and do some market research, think about your brand values and personality, and of course, make sure to hire an expert that will help you uncover all of this.
Ready to get started with rebranding your business?
Download the Brand Clarity Workbook! This workbook is a great way to get you started with your rebranding and by the time you complete the workbook, you will have a clear idea of who you are here to serve, how you are doing this, help you identify how you stand out, and begin to create a visual direction for your brand/business.
But if you are ready to get help from an expert, click here to book a call, and let’s work together!
Thanks for reading!