How To Intentionally Select Your Brand Colors

Choosing the right colors for your brand is very important and should be done intentionally.

Color Theory

Each color evokes emotion. Color is all around us and without even consciously knowing, it evokes an emotion and sometimes a memory within us.  This of the color blue, what is the first thing that comes to mind, perhaps the blue ocean, from here you can start to form a picture. Visualize this blue ocean, and hear the waves crashing against the cliff, this mental picture brings a sense of peace, and tranquility doesn’t it. These are the emotions that the color blue can make one feel. 

Choosing Intentionally

Choosing your brand colors must be intentional, you cannot just select a color because it’s nice, you want to think, what emotion is this color going to evoke, how will my potential client feel.  Remember that your brand colors will be the first thing a potential client will see and you want to make sure you create a great first impression.  Your goal is to attract your soulmate clients with the help of your brand colors.  And they will also help you stand out from others. 

How do we create?

When choosing your colors think of combining colors that are pleasing and attractive, you want to draw your soulmate clients in. 

Step 1/ Defining your Brand

What are three adjectives to describe your brand?

What emotions do you want your brand to exude?

How do you want your soulmate clients to feel?

You want to answer these questions before anything else.  When a potential client goes onto your website how would you want your brand to be portrayed through the colors, how do you want them to feel?  Do you want it to be bright and joyful, or calm and serene?

Step 2/ Choose Colors

Now that you know what emotions you want your brand to convey, think of colors that will help you communicate that emotion.  At the bottom of the page, you will find a link to a The Brand Clairy Workbook which includes a Color Psychology Chart, I created it to help you with this part of the process.  You will find that each color has associated emotions, allow this to help you choose the colors. 

Step 3/ Mood Board Creation

Now that you have your brand adjectives and some colors that are associated with them, create a mood board to further help you with the process.  I suggest going on Pinterest or Unsplash and creating a board specifically for your brand colors.  

Begin by searching for those adjectives you came up with along with the colors, you want to draw inspirations from everywhere so don’t just stick to searching colors, search spaces, buildings, lifestyle photography, wedding photography, etc. 

The point is to create a collection of images that convey what you defined in Step 1.  Once you feel you can have enough images on your board, start narrowing it down to create the perfect mood board that is aligned with your brand adjectives. To create the actual mood board, I would recommend using Canva, this is a great free platform for design.  They have a variety of templates including mood board templated you can use to create your mood board.

Step 4/ Color Selection

Once you have your mood board, you want to download the image to your desktop. To help you with creating the color palette, I recommend Coolors. Coolors allows you to upload your mood board and it generates different color palettes that are picked from the image you uploaded.  Now, when choosing the colors you want to have around 5 colors in your color palette. 

Main Colors: Choose 1-2 main colors that will best represent your brand.  These colors will be mainly used throughout your website, social media posts, etc. 

Neutral Colors:  Choose 1-2 neutral colors that flow effortlessly with your main colors.  These colors can be used as the text color on your website or graphics you create. 

Accent Colors: Lastly you want to select an accent color that compliments well with your color palette.  This color can be used to grab attention, for example, a large heading or the button color on your CTA’s on your website.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately you want to choose a color palette that not only speaks to you, but to your soulmate clients as well.  Be thoughtful when choosing your color palette and listen to your intuition.  I hope this was helpful and you create the perfect color palette for you and your soulmate clients.

If you are interested in downloading The Brand Clarity Workbook, click here to download

Thanks for reading!


Ruby Valencia

I help wellness coaches & spiritual entrepreneurs be seen by their soulmate clients through brand and web design.

How To Create Your Brand Mood Board